Posts filed under ‘our everyday life’

Kemesraan ini by Iwan Falz..


Suatu hari Dikala kita duduk ditepi pantai
Dan memandang ombak dilautan yang kian menepi
Burung camar terbang bermain diderunya air
Suara alam ini hangatkan jiwa kita
Sementara sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Suara gitarmu mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta
Ada hati membara erat bersatu

Getar seluruh jiwa tercurah saat itu


Kemesraan ini… janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini… inginku kenang selalu
Hatiku damai… jiwaku tentram disamping mu
Hatiku damai… jiwa ku tentram bersamamu

October 17, 2009 at 10:51 am Leave a comment


As y might all have know that I am leaving for Paris very soon in 1st sept. I have been starting to move out from my place since a week ago, transporting bit by bit every  single stuff that I own. My adult magz (FHM, which I bought 3 years ago, in which I’m still confused why do I want to spend 35 thousand IDR for a mediocre women pict), tennis racket, books, clothes, desk, computers, monitors, it was all 3 big box and 3 enormous luggage.. gee, I feel like Paris Hilton with all of this stuff. We never know what we have until we move out, I guess..

What makes this day different is that I’m taking out my last piece out from the house, my bed. My room is empty know.. it feels different, somekind of feeling of lost, feeling of emptyness, homelessness. I had a very great times, living 4 months in this place. I have this window with a view, got internet, basically I got everthing I need in that place. Most importantly friends. (more…)

September 7, 2009 at 5:41 pm 5 comments


Ketika aku memohon kekuatan, ALLAH memberiku kesulitan sehingga aku kuat

Ketika memohon kebijaksanaan, ALLAH memberiku masalah untuk aku pecahkan

Ketika memohon kesejahteraan, ALLAH memberiku akal untuk berpikir

Ketika memohon keberanian, ALLAH memberikan bahaya untuk aku atasi

Ketika aku membutuhkan cinta, ALLAH memberikan orang-orang bermasalah untuk kutolong

Ketika memohon bantuan, ALLAH memberikan kesempatan.

Aku tidak pernah menerima apa yg kuminta, tapi ALLAH memberikan apa yang aku butuhkan. SUBHANALLAH

February 20, 2009 at 1:10 pm Leave a comment

its a case Bleeding

Cibiran atas kota nekropolis

Dengan selokan mampet, kumuh, dan nyamuk. Hanya itu yang ada di benakku tentang kota Semarang. Entah darimana bayangan itu menkooptasi pikiranku. Entah karena teringang lagu jawa semarang kaline banjir atau de javu. Bayangan itu sontak pudar setelah kuinjakkan jejakku di kota semarang yang berbukit. Tak habis pikir bagiku mengapa bule-bule kumpeni membangun sebuah kota di daerah yang mempunyai tektur topografi berbukit-bukit. Setelah tinggal di sebuah cottage diatas bukit dimana aku selalu bisa menyapukan pandangan pada bentangan luasnya kota hingga kulihat samar biru laut baru kunikmati pilihan lokasi para kumpeni itu. Belanda memang cerdas. Pantas saja dulu bisa menjajah kita. Kunjunganku ke semarang tak lain sebagai penghakim di sebuah pertarungan antar para pendekar di sebuah padepokan jauh di ujung kota semarang.

sampai hari itu. (more…)

July 23, 2008 at 2:28 am Leave a comment

Kata-kata Mutiara


Saya paling suka mengingat-ingat kata-kata mutiara yang pernah disampaikan oleh orang-orang besar. ini karena dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut seringkali mengandung makna yang luar biasa dan bisa membangkitkan semangat ketika saya sedang kalah, murung, malas, dan menyerah.. jadi di postingan ini saya ingin menginventarisir kata-kata mutiara dan saya harap temen bisa menambahi.. otre? sipp dah

  1. Live free or Die Hard (John McClaine)
  2. Bermimpilah dan Tuhan akan Memeluk Mimpimu (Arai)
  3. Tertawalah dan Dunia akan tertawa bersama mu, bersedihlah dan kamu akan bersedih sendirian (Andrea Hirata)
  4. Jika kamu Keras pada dirimu sendiri dunia akan Lunak pada mu. Jika kamu Lunak pada dirimu sendiri maka Dunia akan Keras padamu (Andrian Wongso)
  5. If You’re going through hell…. Keep Going (Winston Churchil)
  6. Warriors is people who rise from the ashes of defeat (my self)
  7. Work hard, Play Harder (anonym)
  8. I Shall Return… (Gen. McArthur after defeat in Pasific Front)
  9. Impossible is Nothing… (Adidas)
  10. Aku mengharapkan perbaikan semampuku. Tiada Keberhasilanku, keducali dengan pertolongan Allah. Kepada-Nya Aku berserah diri, dan kepada-Nya pula aku akan kembali” Al-Quran X!-88
  11. Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan (Al- Quran 94:6)
  12. Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya (Al-Quran 2:286)
  13. “”No one FALLS IN LOVE by CHOICE, it is by CHANCE. No one STAYS IN LOVE by CHANCE, it is by WORK. And no one FALLS OUT OF LOVE by CHANCE, it is by CHOICE” (Anonim)

Whats yours?

July 4, 2008 at 5:44 pm 4 comments

Kick Racism from Indonesia…

FIFA has long declare to kick racism from Football and bit by bit they are succeeding in removing racial barrier and racial stereotyping from football..

Believe it or not, in this plural culture of Indonesia racism lives around us.. sadly Indonesian people worship it in their many hours of TV ads, TV drama, etc. And yet we call our self bhineka tunggal ika. Let me show you why. In TV adv, have you notice how much Adv is selling whitening products? Dozen of it, my friend. from Lux whitening, Ponds skin care, Nivea whitening, Tje Fuk, so on and so on.. All with the same Doctrine “Paint your skin white before u fall in love” its sick isn’t? why I called it sick, its because naturally Indonesian skins is aint white ladies and gentleman… our natural skin tone as an indo – malayan race are sweet sexy brown or in indonesian we called it Sawo Matang. It is true, however, that some tribes does have white skin tone.. but who says we should define beauty by staying white? (more…)

July 4, 2008 at 5:28 pm 3 comments

Greetings my friend..


Welcome to the blog of “Pursuit of Happiness”. You may got these address from your friends recomendation, friendster, or just simply by ‘googling’. Nevertheless, whoever you are and whatever u do, I would like to offer my sincere greetings to you that is willing to spend a couple of minuites surfing this blog.

Some of you may think that this blog is about a Will Smith movie, “Pursuit of Happiness”, you are not completely wrong since it is pretty much inspired by the movie. However, this blog mostly will be talking about life, people, politics, law, jokes, environment, or some talks that just couldnt fill in any of those such as beautifull girls. 🙂

Pursuit of Happiness in general, our everyday live that we ought to deal with. Pursuit of Happiness is a hope for a of level-headedness, respectfulness and friendliness. Fight and fight hard but please do not take the joy of winning from someone by claiming this or that with this reason or that circumstances. We do not want to lose but losing is part of the game. Just congratulate the winner and find out the reason the win was not for you.

My friends, I have been playing soccer for the last 16 years and no soccer player would expect the opponent to give them the ball and step aside. You would aspect an honest attempt with all the brute force and wit they could muster to foil your every move. People get hurt playing soccer but at the end of the game these fierce rivals would file out of the field, shake hands and joke about their hits or misses or if not jokes, at least a courtesy nod to the winning team, to the hardest tackler, to the best runner.

We should in any game try to win, but if you lose take it with a smile and come back harder. Remember that all players be it in football, rugby or debates are humans who want to win and hard they will try, strong they will march and sad they will be if the objectives are not met. So in any circumstances, winning or losing, the pursuit must not stop as life is not meant for the faint hearted, life is for people that believes to
Live Free of Die Hard!!!


May 13, 2008 at 6:05 am 2 comments


welcome to my blog,
dear friends.
have a nice voyage..

last comments

muhinsan on F.R.I.E.N.D.S
m on F.R.I.E.N.D.S
astri on The agony of love..
muhinsan on F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Catherine on F.R.I.E.N.D.S

since May 13th

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